Harry Zhu
Hi, My name is Harry. 
About Me
profile picture
Hi, I'm Harry Zhu and I'm a second year Data Science student at the University of Waterloo.
In my current school term, I am taking 6 courses: Object-Oriented Software Development (CS 246), Introduction to Optimization (CO 250), Statistics (STAT 231), Introduction to Combinatorics (MATH 239), Linear Algebra 2 (MATH 235), and Classical Mythology (CLAS 104).
I am super passionate about Computer Science, particularly Full-Stack development and Deep Learning. I also love networking and collaborating to design high-quality and innovative software projects. I build mostly in TypeScript, JavaScript, and Python with strong competencies in Next.js, React, .NET, Blazor, Flask, TensorFlow, and Pandas though I love learning and I constantly strive to master new technologies.
Formerly, I was a Full-stack Developer at BTNX, in charge of leveraging a versatile tech stack, consisting of React, TypeScript, JavaScript, C#, .NET, and SQL Server.
While I'm not coding, you can find me playing piano, powerlifting, or playing poker with friends or at UW Poker Club.
Here is some of my work below:
Let's get in touch.
It was nice meeting you. If you have a question, opportunity, or just want to chat, feel free to send me a message.